Website Hosting, Domain Names, and more . . .

Wondering if the website address you have in mind is already taken? Use this form to find out.

What is hosting (server space)? What is a domain name (web address)? How does a website appear on the internet?

This quick 2 1/2 minute video will show you what a host server is and how a website seems to magically appear online.

In summary of the video, your domain name is simply a “www.youdomain”, which is connected to a server or hosting account that is a big computer that holds all the files that make up your website. When someone types in a website address or domain name, the files for your website are pulled from the server and displayed on the computer screen.

All you really need to know is that after we build your website, it’ll have a custom website address and
will appear online when someone types in your address.

With Bronze, Silver and Gold packages, website hosting and domain name are included. Platinum clients may use our hosting for a small monthly fee or use their own hosting account.

Got questions? Call anytime (808) 753-3759 or email